Thursday, December 17, 2009

Too much to say

I realized I haven't blogged in a while....Too long and now I have too much to talk about. Lets start with the bad stuff: Diabetes.

I had my very first endo visit on 04Dec2009. I must say my endo is very nice..and it helps that he's good looking too but I digress. He ran a shitload of tests on me. and I went back a week later only to find out that I'm not Type 1 anymore. I've been shooting up on insulin for the past 8 or 9 years. Now it turns out, I make insuilin. That's some shit ain't it??? Anyways, he gave me Apridra to inject right before meals and also gave me Actos+ Met to take as well. My levels are still higher than I'd like them to be but the pills have to get into my system for a week before I'll see a major change. He also informed to to keep taking my Levemir morning and night and to come back in a month to check me out again. Lovely :)

Now on to the good stuff: Everything else aside from Diabetes lol

My husband comes home tomorrow! TOFREKINGMORROW!!! I'm excited as if you can't tell.

My daughter's 2nd birthday is tomorrow too. I can't believe she's 2 years old already. She's growing so fast on me *sad face* I'm NOT ready for another one right now. Gotta finish school first.

I'm ALMOST done Christmas shopping. THANK GOD!! I hate shopping for everybody else cause I never know what to get them.

Today I'm going to see my PCM for a healthy cooter visit. Hopefully everything is still intact and in working order lmao

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Saturday night Meme

1. Where is your cell phone? on the charger
2. Your significant other? training at Benning
3. Your Hair? wet
4. Your Skin? Dry
5. Your mother? supportive
6. Your favorite thing? my family
7. Your dream last night? nonexistent
8. Your favorite drink? sweet tea and water
9. Your dream/goal? RN
10. The room you’re in? kitchen
11. Your ex? plumb trifling
12. Your fear? Loneliness
13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? working in a hospital on the trama floor
14.Where were you last night? Home
15.What you’re not? skinty :) and happy about that
16.Muffins? skrawburry please!
17.One of your wish list items? 17" Macbook Pro
18.Where you grew up? TN
19.The last thing you did? wrote a blog
20.What are you wearing? long sleeved shirt and BCBG lounge pants
21.Your TV? ON
22.Your pets? Black and brown
23. Your computer? HP
24. Your life? good
25. Your mood? bored
26. Missing someone? Yes
27. Your car? Dodge Durango
28. Something you’re not wearing? necklace
29. Favorite Store? Target & any outlet center
30. Your summer? Fun
31. Like someone? Sure
32. Your favorite color? pink
33. When is the last time you laughed? today
34. Last time you cried? Oct 28th
35. Who will respond to this? who knows...
36. Whose answers are you anxious to see? everybody's

WOW It's December!! Only 2 days til my first endocrinologist appointment, 17 days til my daughter turns 2 and my husband comes home from training for leave! December should be exciting!

Let's start off by saying that we FINALLY got payroll..If you're reading this and you actually talk to me, you know how excited and happy I am. My husband called me yesterday and sent me a picture. He's on crutches now cause of stress fractures from rolling his ankle during PT....someone also stole his Nike Shox. The same darn Shox I told his butt he didn't need but NOOOO... he didn't listen to his loving wife. So now he get's to pick out the New Balance's he should've been wearing from the beginning. Which means he gets to dip into my purse money for Christmas.

Today I went to see my new PCM. I like her enough to go back again if I have to. She gave me a referral to see my endo Thursday. She also stole two vials of blood from me. I'm used to it by now. I also asked for birth control pills which she gave. Although she chose one that Tricare wouldn't pay for because there's no generic for it. So now I get to request the one I've been on since day 1. I also hit up Kroger afterwards. They had gallons of chocolate milk on sale for $.89!!!! I got all 8 gallons too. The lady standing behind me wasn't too freaking happy but all I can say is she should been there 5 minutes before me. 

Tomorrow I'm scheduled to get my hair braided. That is one of my husband's lovely spoiled requests for when he comes home. I had to dye my hair back to brown today too. I'm no longer a redhead *pouts* I haven't been brown or anywhere near brown in YEARS! Probably since I was 16 or 17 years old. I may post from my BB but I might be too sleepy to do that. My appointment is at 09:00 and hopefully I'll be out by 19:00.

All in all, today was a good day!

Friday, November 27, 2009

My Thanksgiving was great. Would have been excellent if my husband was here but I will give up Thanksgiving since he will be here for Christmas *does happy dance* I spent a few hours at my patients house. I was "technically" off but I still helped him with eating and whatnots :) his mom extended and invitation so I took McKenzie up there to  playing with the other kids her age. After that I went to my grandma's house and spent the rest of the day there. My cousin had the nerve to ask me to let him use my SUV for him to take his driver's test in.....Seriously???? My husband called me today as well *does another happy dance* He's alright but his ankle is swollen. He tricked me into telling him a little bit of his Christmas present *mumbles* slick rascal

since today is Black Friday, I guess I'll blog a little about that. I haven't ventured out on Black Friday since 2007. I just HAD to go to Best Buy and get this HP laptop/printer combo. It was fun and packed. Did I also mention I was 36 weeks pregnant?? :)

now on to my diabetes. Yesterday was bad for it. I had 40 units of Levemir and I still had BG's(blood glucose) over 200. did I mention I hate Levemir and that my body no longer likes it?? I can't wait for December 1st and 3rd.

later today we are supposed to be going to Blytheville, AR to see Christmas lights. I'll make sure I take pictures and post them. I guess I need to get back to my schoolwork *grabs headphones and starts music again*

Monday, November 23, 2009

40 odd things :)

Unsure what to blog about, but feeling the urge to blog, I have resorted to that time-honored tradition: the meme. Feel free to post your own if you haven't already. I think we all get a kick out of learning each others' trivia.

1. Do you like bleu cheese? Long as there are chicken wings to dip it i
2. Have you ever smoked? I used to....nothing to write home about.
3. Do you own a gun? I technically need to learn how to shoot before getting one.

4. Favorite type of Food? I love BBQ, home cooked soul food, Chinese and anything else that is possibly appetizing.
5. Favorite type of music? I love r&b, rap, hip hop, neo-soul, some pop and some rock. not a big fan of country BUT a few songs I like

6. What do you think of hot dogs? they're okay...preferably under chili and cheese or on the grill

7. Favorite Christmas movie? I can't think of one offhand.

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? in the winter time I love a big cup of coffee or hot chocolate. summer is water

9. Can you do push ups? a couple, not too many tho

10. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? my wedding set

11. Favorite hobby? shopping!

12. Do you have A. D. D.? uhhh not that I'm aware of
13. Do you wear glasses/contacts? glasses. I usually have them on 24/7

14. Middle name? Marie

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: I'm hungry, I need to roll my hair, I need to finish my school work for tonight

16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink: water, tea, and Diet Coke

17. Current worry? that we will get stationed somewhere we don't like...or somewhere that doesn't have decent outlets

18. Current hate right now? how far my bestie is away from me....oh and how far my husband is away from me too

19. Favorite place to be? in his arms...if I can't be there then a nice buffet is always good too

20. How did you bring in the new year? past few years I've been in Memphis on Beale....probably gonna do it again since it'll be the last time I can

21. Someplace you’d like to go? Florida...I miss the beaches

22. Name three people who will complete this. *points* You, you, aaaannnd you. That could be directed at anybody.

23. Do you own slippers? uhhh husband's blue ones

24. What color shirt are you wearing? blue National Guard shirt

25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? only in the summer and fall. can't stand them in the winter cause they're too cold

26. Can you whistle? Indeed.

27. Where are you now? at work...waiting to leave

28. Would you be a pirate? definitely a negative

29. What songs do you sing in the shower? whatever is in my head at the time

30. Favorite Girl’s Name? MaKayla, McKenna, Madison

31. Favorite boy’s name? hmmm I dunno any good names that starts with a "M"

32. What is in your pocket right now? I have no pockets today. 

33. Last thing that made you laugh? my patient playing with his mom

34. What vehicle do you drive? 2006 Dodge Durango.....hoping the husband will buy me a Pontiac G8 GT

35. Worst injury you’ve ever had? spraining my ankle

36. Do you love where you live? yes and no. I love living in the country but I hate the small town. everybody knows your business before you pull in your driveway
37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3

38. How many computers do you have in your house? 4 but only 2 gets used. one laptop and one desktop. my laptop needs a new LCD (*pouts*) and the other one is just sitting there

39. If you changed your job, what would it be? I would be an RN or NP

40. If you were granted three wishes, what would they be? to cure cancer, to cure diabetes and to win the lottery

wow it's been a long time since I've blogged about anything. guess it's time to change that and up date y'all on what's going on.

J (husband) is at Ft Benning doing OSUT all over again *mumbles* just lovely. he's switched from National Guard (MP) to active duty Army (infantry). he's been gone since the end of October and considering since this is the 2nd time I'm going through this you would think I'm used to it. Not!

I have signed up for the $6,000 for school through MyCAA and I chose to go for the Inpatient/Outpatient Medical Billiing & Coding program through CareerStep. So far I'm liking it and I have to get used to taking an online class again and get my routine down pat. I hope to go back to nursing school whenever we PCS (to where I have no idea. Ask me again in about 6 weeks.) But for now I'm content with doing home health and studying coding/billing.

I'm also choosing to embrace the fact that I am a type 1 diabetic. A fellow Army wife and friend Diabetic_Iz_Me AKA Cherise has convinced me to get an OmniPod without even telling me to. I've watched her videos on YouTube of her doing the pod changes and whatnot. I must say that I was fascinated enough to request some information and a demo kit. Then I went even further and changed my insurange from Tricare Standard to Prime so it'll be 100% coverage, signed up for a PCM (primary case manager) and made appointments for my PCM and an endocrinologist. *does a happy dance* I've also said that I'm going to start going back to the gym as well since my sugars have been outrageous! last night I was at 313 before bed. I swear sometimes I don't think the Levemir is working for me anymore. I've been on insulin shots for 7 years and I never even thought of getting an insulin pump until now. I have to thank Twitter for introducing me to fellow diabetics, and the DOC (diabetic online community) for showing me how freaking simple it is.

Tomorrow I get to go see a dermatologist about my scalp and how it constantly itches. No matter how often I wash or co-wash (conditioner wash) my hair, it itches like I haven't wash it in over a month. I have a tub of raw shea butter that I purchased from the African hair braiders (who I get go to see Decemeber 1st!) and I tried it last night after washing my hair. I must say it's alot smoother and hasn't itched since I put it in *crosses fingers* I've been toying with the idea of transitioning to natural with the help of braids and I think when I go in December I'm going to start the process. Now to get my regimen and vitamins together.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wow so today was crazy!!! I knew yesterday that it would be bad but I had no idea! I have a patient who is 20, with Down's, degenertative joints, gout, and a slew of other health issues. He is a total sweetheart and absolutely adores me (I'm partial but whatever lol) So he needed bloodwork pulled today. The nurse came in from Memphis for he re-certification for home health and IMMEDIATELY he screamed. She was an "outsider" to him. It took a long time for him to calm down. Anywho, we started off with 3 people (me, his mom & his aunt) holding him so he wouldn't "buck" in his chair.

When it was all said and done it took 6 people AND 7 butterfly needles and & sticks to get ONE (yes, one) vial of blood. *wipes forehead* Talk about a workout without trying to. He wanted to get naked soon as the nurse left so I helped him. Not 30 minutes later, he's walked into the kitchen where we were all at talking. :)

McKenzie has been walking around with no diaper since I got off at 3. She would tinkle a little when she felt the diaper on her booty. So I tricked her. I put the diaper on her lower back then sat her butt on the pot. SUCCESS!!! Now if we can keep this up I don't have to buy diapers anymore.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I should've wrote this out yesterday but Saturday was so busy! Jeremy and I joined the gym and went. I did a combo of the eliptical and the treadmill and I must say that eliptical machine is the devil!! But I love it! I am on this site called MSOS and I think being in this "group" of workouters (is that even a word? LOL) will help me get off my butt and do something. I want to lose weight for our family trip to Florida. Hubby has to lose 25 pounds for AIT in August. That's another journey in itself. I've already been throuh one basic, AIT, and deployment for the National Guard. Now he's choosing to go Active Duty and I have to go throuh another AIT and possible deployment. It's a journey but the benefits are good. I actually think this is helping us with our marriage as well. Things were rough when he came home from Iraq, and I admit they were my fault, but things have been sooooo murch better now! It took counseling and alot of hard ass work to get back to our pre-deployment stage. Anywho that's enough for today....maybe I'll write again tomorrow. I signed up for mobile posting. Maybe that will help me to post more lol
