Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Great news

I've been waiting to do this blog post for almost a week. I've been waiting on a phone call from my husband to tell me he's past his final PT test and that he has orders. Even with all his injuries during this, he's passed everything with flying colors. He has no idea how proud of him I am. I wish his mom was here to see him graduate again. But I understand God chose that it was her time to go Home. Thanks to her I donate every chance I can to cancer foundations. So on February ND, McKenzie and I will be making an 8 hour drive to Fort Benning to attend my husband's graduation. If you could only see my smile right now. I have been planning and plotting on making this trip great. Oh, I guess I better mention where we are PCS'ing to.......Fort Lewis, WA!

My OmniPod trainer FINALLY called me. Two whole weeks after I got the darn thing to set up a day for her to show me how to use it. Sad to say, I already know but I'm still gonna attend. Here's the bad news. The exact day that we scheduled on meeting, the weatherman predicts of an ice storm. Quarter inch of ice and five to ten inches of snow. Just freaking lovely. I have to call her and see what she wants to do now.

My bestie's husband is in Haiti helping with the search and recovery. I ask that you pray for him. Not just him though. Pray for all the troops who are there. I've made my donation for Haiti, have you??

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So my last post mention that I got my OmniPod insulin pump. I received it on the 14th of January. Now here comes the kicker. I've been calling Insulet (OmniPod's parent company) to try and get in touch with a training coordinator, to no avail. I think I have called them every freaking day since I got the darn thing. Left multiple messages with no call backs. I must say I'm not a very happy diabetic right now.

So a fellow diabetic, friend, and Army wife Cherise, told me to call my endo's office to see if they will train me on the darn thing. I called and of course, they took my name and number. So now I'm waiting on a call back from them as well. They are usually pretty good with calling back within a 2 hour period even when they are busy. *crosses fingers*

Now on to Army stuffs :) I talked to my lovely husband Sunday. He's twisted his knee again. He calls if "football knee". I also know where we are going to PCS but I won't say until his final PT test is passed. If you are a reader of my blog, please send up a prayer for my husband. Thanks in advance :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Good news day!

I decided to post about the great, no make that excellent news I got today from Insulet, makers of the Omnipod insulin pump. TriCare and my endo have approved me to have a pump *does happy dance* I was shocked when I got the phone call and saw a number that wasn't stored in my phone. So I'm praying I have it by Friday, since it's being shipped through FedEx, who I love by the way. I am not fond of UPS even though the majority of our packages come through them. I saw this following poem on TuDiabetes and thought it was great. I just wish my husband was here to read it so he could understand my disease a little more than he already does. Gosh I miss that man.....

To love a diabetic is to be a doctor. It means helping her to remember her medications. It means driving her for an hour to the only 24 hour pharmacy when she’s gotten the flu and can’t take the Nyquil in the refrigerator. Or driving her to the hospital when the simple flu turns into bronchitis and her blood turns acidic.

To love a diabetic is to be patient. It means knowing that some days she won’t feel good for no visible reason. It means canceling long term plans when suddenly she doesn’t feel well enough to go on a trip. Or waiting to go to bed while she injects her bedtime insulin.

To love a diabetic is to be a priest. It means consoling her when she’s tired and feels like she can’t do it anymore. It means listening and not passing judgment while she tries to figure out her new dosages and makes mistakes. Or, during those tough times, listening to her burial wishes- just in case.

To love a diabetic is to be a guardian. It means standing up for her when strangers accuse her of being a drug addict. It means discreetly asking her friends to keep an eye on her when she’s testing new medications and doesn’t know the reactions to her body yet. Or staying up with her through the night because she’s too afraid to fall asleep where a coma can find her.

To love a diabetic is to not be superficial. It means seeing her bruises as beauty marks. It means caressing the scars across her stomach. Or kissing her dry lips when she is hooked to IVs.

To love a diabetic is to be understanding. It means knowing that she doesn’t mean to get hot tempered when her blood sugars are too high. It means listening to her when she asks to start a family soon. Or donating time and DNA to sciences you don’t fully understand just because she asks you to and because it promises to cure her.

To love a diabetic is to be smart. It means researching new medications even though she never asks you to. It means listening to her explain her new findings in terms that aren’t typical language. Or making her smile when she desperately wants to scream.

To love a diabetic is to be selfless. It means going to a restaurant based off the carbohydrates menu instead of the atmosphere. It means going without dinner when money is tight because you can buy her medication with it instead. Or testing your blood sugar on her new meter to make sure it’s working properly even though you’re terrified of needles.

To love a diabetic is to be brave. It means keeping your chin up while she talks about those scary moments. It means not allowing her medical mistakes to colour your relationship with her emotionally. Or keeping positive spirits even though all of the websites and gatherings tell you she won’t statistically make it past her 40s.

To love a diabetic is not easy. It means putting her medical needs before any other finances. It means worrying every moment that she is properly cared for even when you can’t see her. And it means trusting her life in the hands of so many doctors who don’t understand the full complexities of the disease.

Thank you for loving a diabetic.
by: Katherine Marple

Friday, January 8, 2010

1st post of 2010

Wow!! I can't believe I haven't posted in over 2 weeks. Well yes I can and I have good reason. My husband was home for Christmas Exodus *does happy dance* Nothing major happened during those 2 weeks. McKenzie's bday gathering, gambling in Tunica, and bring in the new year on Beale Street.

I went to see my endo earlier this week. He has ordered me to lose 20 pounds by this summer. He wants 10 of those pounds gone by my next visit in March. I can do it. I just have to buckle down and get in the groove of visiting the gym and eating right. I really would love to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight and I know I can get there too. He prescribed me some Actos, Metformin, Aprida, and Levemir. When I lose weight, I won't need as much of those. I've also had to choose a new glucose meter and I chose a
Contour. Although I've had to make more than a few phone calls to Tricare's Mail-Order Pharmacy, I must say they are very prompt and have good customer service. My endo's office had to give me another pen of Apidra until the MOP processed my order.

Now on to friends. I am meeting lots of new females thanks to Twitter. Alot of them are diabetics and a few are military wives. There is one friend, who shall stay nameless. I'm not sure how much of my feelings of this person that I want to put on here. Let's just say this, a friend shouldn't abandon their friend when their husband is around them. Plain and simple. I understand that your marriage comes first, as does mine. But I have never put a friend on the back burner of the stove unless I HAD to. HAD=EMERGENCY. End rant. LOL

I miss my husband something serious. 2009 was a VERY hard year for him and I. And we both vowed that 2010 would be lots better. I will admit that I haven't been the best wife that I could've been. I haven't been by his side 100% like I should have and I acknowledge that. It took a major obstacle in our lives for me to realize just how much my husband means to me. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want him to know that everyday. I can't imagine him not being in my life. Yes, he may be short and he may always look like he's mad, but I promise he's the happiest man in this world right now. Why? Because I support him and his decisions. Fully and completely.

I think that covers everything that's been going on here lately. I might even feel like writing another post tomorrow. Only time will tell.
