Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I've been waiting to do this blog post for almost a week. I've been waiting on a phone call from my husband to tell me he's past his final PT test and that he has orders. Even with all his injuries during this, he's passed everything with flying colors. He has no idea how proud of him I am. I wish his mom was here to see him graduate again. But I understand God chose that it was her time to go Home. Thanks to her I donate every chance I can to cancer foundations. So on February ND, McKenzie and I will be making an 8 hour drive to Fort Benning to attend my husband's graduation. If you could only see my smile right now. I have been planning and plotting on making this trip great. Oh, I guess I better mention where we are PCS'ing to.......Fort Lewis, WA!
My OmniPod trainer FINALLY called me. Two whole weeks after I got the darn thing to set up a day for her to show me how to use it. Sad to say, I already know but I'm still gonna attend. Here's the bad news. The exact day that we scheduled on meeting, the weatherman predicts of an ice storm. Quarter inch of ice and five to ten inches of snow. Just freaking lovely. I have to call her and see what she wants to do now.
My bestie's husband is in Haiti helping with the search and recovery. I ask that you pray for him. Not just him though. Pray for all the troops who are there. I've made my donation for Haiti, have you??
Depending on the weather you like this place is great!