Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

This will be a somewhat short post.


I want to say that I am very thankful an d gracious for all those who serve, have served, and have given their life to serve our country.

My husband is one who is serving. Going from the Tennessee National Guard to the active duty US Army, he has made me very proud.

By serving our country, he has missed alot of our marriage. When I was pregnant with McKenzie, Jeremy was in OSUT at For Leonard Wood, MO. He missed half of that. When I got my induction date, he was at Fort Dix, NJ preparing for his first deployment two months out of training. Luckily he didn't miss her birth. He was in Iraq the first year of our marriage and the first year of her life. I am grateful for him and the sacrifices he's made to provide for us. He is currently on tour number 2 and will be home soon. But never soon enough.

There are those who have been injured or KIA and my prayers are definitely with the families dealing with the loss of their loved ones.


  1. A Beautiful Mind said...
    This was a really beautiful post, thank you for all you sacrifice love *hugs*
    Cherise said...
    Big hugs to you and J! Thank you for the scraficies younall make. I am praying for his safe return.

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